Crypto Data
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Bitcoin Performance
Bitcoin Performance
Measure an asset's performance over time. Track a $10,000 investment over a 1-year period.
Measure an asset's performance over time. Track a $10,000 investment over a 1-year period.
Performance Comparison
Performance Comparison
Performance comparisons provide a relative value over time. Track investments for outperformance.
Performance comparisons provide a relative value over time. Track investments for outperformance.
Risk-Adjusted Performance INdicators
Risk-Adjusted Performance INdicators
Historical data for an asset's risk-adjusted performance can help identify when an asset is underperforming.
Historical data for an asset's risk-adjusted performance can help identify when an asset is underperforming.
Heat Map
Heat Map
Heat maps identify market trends and track market movements over time.
Heat maps identify market trends and track market movements over time.
Risk-ADjusted Performance MEasure
Risk-ADjusted Performance MEasure
Find the sweet spot for gains versus risk. The Sharpe ratio compares the risk and the return of an investment. An asset with a higher Sharpe ratio is considered a better investment.
Find the sweet spot for gains versus risk. The Sharpe ratio compares the risk and the return of an investment. An asset with a higher Sharpe ratio is considered a better investment.
Risk Adjusted Performance Rank
Risk Adjusted Performance Rank
Rank assets based on their performance. The scores below are percentile ranks. A score of 92 puts an asset in the top 8% of assets.
Rank assets based on their performance. The scores below are percentile ranks. A score of 92 puts an asset in the top 8% of assets.
Drawdown measures the decline of an asset over a time period. The more drawdown an investor experiences, the more pain they feel.
Drawdown measures the decline of an asset over a time period. The more drawdown an investor experiences, the more pain they feel.
Volatility is considered the measure of how much risk an asset has. Volatility is the standard deviation of an asset's returns.
Volatility is considered the measure of how much risk an asset has. Volatility is the standard deviation of an asset's returns.
How do you find the best performing crypto assets?
Use Portfolio Tools?
Most websites specialize in stocks.
Most websites specialize in stocks.
Follow Live Charts?
Delays equal missed opportunities.
Delays equal missed opportunities.
Run Your Own Data?
Complex formulas can be frustrating.
Complex formulas can be frustrating.
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